Hello, I’m Tabatha, Business Owner, Certified Life Coach, Wife, Biker, and Full-Time RV Traveler.

I am here to help you embrace your worth, silence self-doubt and negative self-talk, and create a life of fulfillment, meaning, and joy.

I know what it’s like to wake up dreading the day. I spent years beating myself up and believing I wasn’t good enough. I put my life on hold, chasing after other people’s dreams for my life, seeking their approval, acceptance, and love. I would tell myself I didn’t deserve to go after my dreams. 

I was exhausted, out of shape, and yes, literally overweight from the constant pressure I put on myself to meet everyone else’s expectations. I didn’t love myself, and I had no idea how to set healthy boundaries that allowed me to take care of myself. I didn’t think I deserved to put my needs first or even make them an equal priority to others. 

It wasn’t until I discovered the power of life coaching, mastering my mindset, and reframing my life story that I finally found relief from all the self-loathing, and people-pleasing. I discovered how different my life could truly be.

Doing the work with my life coaches has allowed me to gain authority in my life and embrace my self-worth. Learning to love, accept, and believe in myself has opened doors I never imagined possible for me. It allowed me to heal from the loss of my dad at 21, 2 miscarriages, and the end of my first marriage. I made peace with my infertility. I lost over 65 pounds, quit smoking, became a runner, and left my corporate career to pursue my dream of helping others as a life coach. 

Three years ago my husband and I decided to take a leap and sold almost everything to pursue our dream of living and traveling the country in our RV. We left the comfort of family and home for uncertainty and adventures. I never would have made this jump if it hadn’t been for all I have learned through life coaching. 

Learning to love myself and embrace my self-worth has opened doors to a life I never believed was possible for me. It’s like I shed a skin that was no longer the right fit for me, and I learned how to do so while taking exceptional care of myself and creating a fulfilling life I enjoy.

I can teach you the same techniques and tools I learned and still use today, to help you love ALL of yourself, and grow your self-esteem, self-confidence, and overall well-being.

Stop putting your life on hold until you think you’ve earned your right to live it.

It’s time to start enjoying your life today!

Let’s talk about how I can help you.